21.-28.6. 2014
mezinárodní sportovní, vzdělávací a kulturní akce pro mládež
od 18 let
Místo: Základna Dlažky Rajnochovice
Začátek akce: 21.6.2014 13:00
Konec akce: 28.6.2014 10:00
Vedoucí: Mussur
Cena: 15 euro
DUHA CLUB DLAŽKA offers to participants
from the Czech Republic and other countries (18 +) camp for people who likes nature, fun and sports and also want to help with camp background for children!
Work: 6 hours per day (36 h. per week)
Main language: English
Venue: Camp Dlazka, Rajnochovice, in small mountains Hostynske vrchy (East part of Czech r.)
Participants: We expect 20% Czech participants and the others from other countries. The highest number of participants is 20.
When you apply, please write your age, country and some info about you to mail dlazka@dlazka.cz as soon as possible (to 9th June)
Program: You can choose from few possibilities every time.
Main program: Work on camp background: 1. cleaning of a forest and a camp, 2. painting small huts, 3. help with digging, and 4. help with repairing.
Optional program: Sports + games + arts = a lot of outdoor and indoor games, sport of all kinds as football, volleyball, table tennis, ringo and many funny and crazy games. Two trips (1. Town Přerov - brewery, castle, historical centre 2. ZOO Lesna) + small trips (Trojak with bowling + tourist on mountains Hostynske vrchy - around camp).
Language: The main language for all work camp and therefore for program is English language. If some problem appears, there will be Czech and Russian speaking leader.
Lodging: Bungalows with 4 beds – we recommend to bring your own sleeping bag, but if necessary, linen and blankets are provided. Electricity, WC and showers are in the camp. Photos of the camp are on
Photoes from WC 2013: http://old.dlazka.cz/fotoalbum.aspx?id=466&page=0 http://old.dlazka.cz/fotoalbum.aspx?id=465
Board: Five times a day for everyone – if you prefer a vegetarian food please let us now! For
drink – tea and water (it will be possible to buy some other kinds of drinks, e.g. juice, beer and so on in the camp).
Beware: Take for granted that our work camp is without any drugs for all. Smoking is forbidden in the camp (only in special place for smokers outside of the camp).
What to bring with you: Pleasant mood, desire to try something new! Shoes/boots and clothes (bring gloves) for work, shoes and clothes for sports and games, something to write with, rain coat and other things you need for “survive”.
Special equipment: Any musical instrument you can play (if you want to).
Price: All participants will pay small fee 15 Euro to cover program (special trips – ZOO, Přerov) needs on the 1
st day of the Work camp.
Transport 21. 6. 2014: Ideal train from Prague – train goes 12.06 p.m. from Prague´s Main Railway Station and 14.30 p.m. is at Prerov.
Meeting: In Prerov´s Railway Station by 14.45 p.m. Then we will go by bus to Rajnochovice 15.20.
By car: Please, let us now if you will travel by car and also if you can take somebody with you in Application form. We shall meet at camp.
The end of the International Work camp is 28
th of June 2014 around 9.40 a.m. Bus from Rajnochovice to Prerov goes 10.17 a.m., train from Prerov to Prague goes 11.52 a.m. and around 15.13 p.m. is at Prague.
Insurance: You have to have your own health insurance!
Looking forward: Mussur (Jaroslav Biolek - main leader) +
Dzherry + Soňa + Michal …