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Kalendář akcí

další akce...
20.-22.9. Trpaslíci v září
26.9. Flamengo Reunion
27.-29.9. Vynálezci v cirkuse
3.10. Synkopy 61
Rok: 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014


30.06.2014 9:57:45

I would like to sincerely thank you for giving me this great opportunity to join the international workcamp at DUHA CLUB DLAZKA from 21st to 28th June 2014. Having worked as a volunteer, I have had a lot of funny and unforgettable experiences in there, most of all, have gained a close relationship with my friendly teammates who are from all around the world.

I have enjoyed working at the camp very much as I have learnt a lot from my teammates and the staff who were very kind and never got tired to explain all kinds of problems about culture differences and work allocations which I brought to them. They always give me useful suggestions to help me get the jobs done more efficiently. Sometimes, we would exchange our positions so that we were able to try different things during our voluntary services. Most importantly, they made me understand that "in order to finish all the tasks successfully, one has to develop good time management, pleasure moods, energy, motivation and support. Of course, eating more delicious food during breaks, lunch and dinner, Siesta (taking a rest in Spanish) and playing games were necessary for us to make our leisure time fruitful.

I am truly grateful for all your sincere guidance that has helped me adopt to working in the camp environment quickly. I think you guys are like my family members or teachers who are always ready to offer heart-felt advice to me. If I did a good job, you guys would encourage me to press further on. I am extremely grateful to be part of this big family and it has even really a great opportunity to be working with you all.

In a word, respect, support and understanding are what you guys have given me throughout this workcamp and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Finally, I am grateful that I have been granted this meaningful voluntary working experience, otherwise, I would be unable to have enjoyed this fruitful 8-day at your camp and to have met so many great friends. Thanks God : ) gave me a chance to meet A in the hostel : ) You guys have made my trip more meaningful: ).

Keep in touch! If you guys plan to visit Hong Kong, please do write me : ).

I promise I will be a good tour guide and bring you guys walk around my beautiful city.

Best Wishes!
Yuki Ngai (Hong Kong)